Sunday Twitter Roundup

This one gets to you early, folks, since I plan on spending the day with my family. Here’s what happened on Twitter this week:

I love someecards. They make me giggle.

Can’t wait to share this with my Pop Culture Class…and I must admit, this made me feel better about my teaching and grading practices.

The first few seconds of this movie trailer had me cracking up…mostly because I LOVE A Farewell to Arms and I had the exact same reaction when I finished it.

I don’t know if you heard about Disney buying Lucasfilm? It didn’t take long for collections like these to emerge.

And in all seriousness, this was the best advice I read on the Internet all week.

Sunday Twitter Roundup

It’s amazing how awful the beginnings of a cold can make me feel. I have been laying down most of the day yet can still barely keep my head up. I tell you this so you really appreciate the effort it’s taking me to complete this particular post.

I turn 40 next year. So this didn’t help.

My irrational crush on Adam Levine suddenly doesn’t seem all that irrational.

Please don’t judge that the first two links are to trashy magazine sites.

One of the best things on the Internet this week.

Not that you needed a reason to loathe Ann Coulter, but Ima give you one anyway. (Rather than link to her tweet, I just linked to the response to her tweet. Which, you should know, she said that people who get worked up over the word “retard” are aggressive victims who need to get over themselves.)

And the beauty of PhotoShop gives us this.

Fair warning: Thursday is Nov. 1, which means a return to the daily gratitude posts. And I promise to only be cynical about it 25% of the time.

Sunday Twitter Roundup

A whole week without blogging? Why? Well, the Bermuda Triangle of Deadline Week, Parent-Teacher Conferences, and a gazillion things to grade completely overtook my life. But I need a break from all the grading, so here’s what was happening on Twitter this week…

It’s a good thing Ryan Lochte’s pretty.

I’m a bit of a font freak. This one is for Deanne.

There was this tweet:

And this one:

And now this week is continued Deadline Week, the last of the Apple training, and I hope, a little more balance so I’m not working nonstop over the weekend.

And P.S.: if you’re not watching “Once Upon A Time,” WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I started it on Netflix and it’s wonderful. Though it’s doing crap for my attempts to not be a hopeless romantic.

Sunday Twitter Roundup

Would this statistic surprise you? Would it surprise you to know that, depending on the year, I totally am part of the 70%?

Probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. The things we can do…


Either the luckiest or most cursed baby of all time.

This past week, I woke up at 5 AM three days in a row to work out. Let’s see if I can do it again…

This link probably deserves its own blog post. But I’m tired, and it’s parent-teacher conference week. So maybe another time.

And finally, would you see this movie? My favorite line: “Are you a porpoise or a narwhal?”

Sunday Twitter Roundup

Every now and then I get all political-like on Twitter, and with the debate this week, I threw out a couple of political-like tweets. Like this article, in which it is revealed that Americans pay $4 a year for PBS. Some Americans pay more than that A DAY for Starbucks. Just sayin.

Here’s a real feel-good story about student-athletes. (If you don’t know me well, I use sarcasm. Often.)

Some language in this article, but this is one of those things that I should have thought of first.

And probably my most favorite retweet of the week:

I did tweet quite a bit about the LDS General conference. But most of my soundbites matched others, so no need to post those here too.

And, as always, last but not least: another vlog.

If you want to follow me on Twitter, just ask!