Your Fault

The cover of Time Magazine this week teases a 16 page report on the status of education in America. The catalyst for this article is the upcoming documentary Waiting for Superman, in which David Guggenheim tracks students waiting selection in a charter school lottery, because the public school options are so horrific.

I’m still digesting the Time articles, but just like with any discussion in education, it ends up sounding like this scene from Into the Woods

My own current dilemma is that I tend to side with the reformers. Going public with this agreement will not make me popular, but the longer I teach, the more I believe that as a whole, some teachers unions are more concerned with preserving job security than with doing what’s right for kids. Honestly, the union in Utah is one of the factors that contributed to my departure.

Who’s to blame for the current state of public education? All accused parties are culpable. Teachers, parents, students, politicians, administrators–we’re all part of the problem. But until we all quit the finger pointing and absolving ourselves of responsibility, nothing will change. Nothing.

2 thoughts on “Your Fault

  1. First, love that musical…add it to Singles and Grease 2 for our slumber party.

    Second, I think you have come up with a formula that will solve most of our problems. Stop the finger pointing, swallow your pride, roll up your sleeves and be willing to compromise for the best solution. Like Diamond Rio says, “There ain't no road too long when we meet in the middle.”

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