He Knows Me Well.

My Uncle Brent called me last weekend, just to chat. During our conversation, he asked me what my summer plans were.

“Oh, I’m taking this summer off. I’ve had two really busy summers in a row, so I deserve a summer in which I do nothing,” I said.

He laughed. “You? Do nothing? Come on, you’re doing something, going somewhere, right? Utah? Come to California!”

But I was insistent: “No, I really am just going to relax and not do much this summer.”

I’ve been thinking about that conversation all week, and my uncle is right–I’m just not the type to do nothing. So I’ve done a little research into what I can do this summer, and I think I found a perfect plan:

  1. Become a Google Certified Teacher. There’s some webinars and an exam to take, but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and summer would be a good time to do it.
  2. Explore Nebraska.  It’s time for me to accept that I am a Nebraskan, and as such, I need to know more about my state. This program looks absolutely delightful, plus ripe for blogging fodder.

So there you have it, my summer plans. Should be a good time.

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