Twitter Probs.


When I first joined Twitter in 2009, I was still concerned about my digital footprint and social media presence. At that time, I even had a fake name on Facebook, so students could not find me and friend me. So on that Twitter account, I protected my tweets. Made it impossible for random people to follow me.

Then in 2010, I attended the National Council for Teachers of English convention, and I wanted to use Twitter as a way to share and connect with other teachers. Rather than make my private Twitter account public, I made a new handle altogether.

So for the past five years, I’ve been managing two accounts: one that is private, with limited followers where I feel free to express political and religious opinions, and one that is public, where I feel constrained to share only that which would not result in me losing my job (so mostly, rants about BYU sports and positive education messages).

But I have this book coming out Oct. 2. And when people google me, the private Twitter account appears, and the public one is absent. I want people to be able to engage with my on Twitter, especially if they have nice things to say about my book (haters, you can stay away).

So I have a dilemma of sorts–do I delete the private Twitter account? Or do I figure out how to get my public account more visible? Thoughts?

One thought on “Twitter Probs.

  1. Make it visible! Haters gonna hate no matter what. Also, don’t worry about the teaching thing–your book is probably gonna sell a fa-fallion copies and you’ll be rich and famous and then they’ll make a movie out of it and you’ll be richer and famouser.

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