A Quick Update.

It’s been quite the week.

The highlights:

  • On my birthday, I “ran” a 5K because there was no way I was gonna let my 40 year-old body tell me what it would and would not do. My biggest mistake: I did it in new shoes.

  • Two days later when Jennie came to pick me up for brunch with my nieces, she also brought along Deanne. Deanne who once again braved the military hop drama and made it to Omaha unbeknownst to me. In a Facebook world, that’s pretty impressive.

  • Sang in a choir concert. ‘Twas fun.

  • Still fighting dizziness, the only upside of which is that a couple of people have taken to calling me Lucille 2. (The payoff is at the :45 second mark.)

And I’m mostly back to work now, which is actually a good thing because I’m craving routine and I’m suffering from not writing enough, and maybe the routine will fix the writing malaise.

Summer’s over. But at least I got to spend the last days of summer with these people.

One thought on “A Quick Update.

  1. So fun! I still can't believe we pulled off getting me from Japan to your apartment without you knowing. Thanks for laying on the couches on an Arrested Development bender whilst eating all manner of American food. 'Twas super fun.

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