What I Loved About School Today

1. Watching a video a student made for the video yearbook. It is sweet and adorable and so clever.

2. Talking to my editor-in-chiefs about how to improve Newspaper.

3. Watching a student design a logo for a major project we are working on. I gave him a cookie. And a piece of chocolate.

4. Visiting with two alums who stopped by to say hello. One even brought chocolate. She knows me well.

5. Receiving the nicest card anyone has given me…my friend Nikki gives me way too much credit.

When we finished speeches in my 7th hour, my students said, “Now it’s your turn!” I hedged a little, but part of my teaching philosophy is to never ask my students to do something I wouldn’t do myself.

So I took a minute, jotted down three ideas, and delivered a speech about my fears.

They gave me a 96%.

(I said “uh” once or twice.)

Usually at this point in the semester, I am pretty burnt out. Last night was newspaper deadline–which we met–and I have a ton of grading to do, and I should plan next semester (five preps!). But I am eerily calm and finding happiness in my classroom. I don’t know if my age is mellowing me, or if I just have some of the best kids in the school, but whichever it is, I’m definitely not complaining.

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