
I cannot believe it is already November. It doesn’t seem possible. How does each year, with each of its 525,600 minutes, somehow pass faster the older I get?

One of the blogs I stalk reminded me this morning that November is a month of gratitude. As I read her post, half of me rebelled, because I’ve been feeling anything but grateful lately. But the other (often quieter) half of me chided that maybe this is exactly what I need. So on this first day of November, here is what I’m grateful for today.

1. Sunshine. After a week of rain and gloominess, today is absolutely gorgeous.

2. My parents’ ward.

3. The end to Daylight Savings Time. I slept for 9 hours last night. It was glorious.

Feel free to join in the gratitude party…Happy November!

3 thoughts on “November

  1. I'm grateful for a super awesome older sister that reminds me that even when everything around you sucks, there is still something to be grateful for.

    I'm also grateful that my kitchen is clean. Totally ordering out tongiht!

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